Project Zero is thrilled to announce Carbon Roadie, an innovative carbon calculator that is set to support touring musicians’ efforts to mitigate their carbon footprints. This brand new tool can be used by music artists to reduce their impact on the environment resulting from travel, haulage, power generation and other activities that are part and parcel of touring. The tool uses the latest greenhouse gas emissions data to calculate total emissions and provide a picture of a tour’s overall carbon footprint.
Once relevant tour data has been entered into the system, Carbon Roadie will measure the carbon emitted and allow tours to support natural climate solutions by investing in Project Zero's Blue Carbon Fund. Project Zero’s Blue Carbon Fund will support projects that protect and restore ‘blue carbon’ ecosystems.
Blue carbon ecosystems, such as mangroves, seagrass meadows and salt marshes, sequester and store vast amounts of carbon (more per unit area than terrestrial forests), and are critical to climate change mitigation and adaptation as well as providing habitat for wildlife and multiple other benefits for coastal communities. By employing Carbon Roadie and contributing to the Blue Carbon Fund, artists are setting themselves on the road to a zero-carbon future.
Michele Clarke, CEO, Project Zero said, “We’re all on the journey to create a sustainable future for life on Earth, and like all journeys, you have to begin somewhere. Carbon Roadie is a tool that has been specifically designed to inspire tours to invest in blue carbon projects that will sequester carbon for hundreds of years. We’re thrilled to be working to restore and protect our vital blue carbon ecosystems.”